Over the past 25 years I've been fortunate enough to work in a wide range of communications disciplines - local newspaper journalism, media relations, public relations, marketing communications, marketing consultancy and social media training.
All these have given me valuable insight into the way that both people and organisations communicate. However one thing has become evident and that is we are now experiencing a major paradigm shift, a digital tipping point:
Since the launch of the iPhone in 2007, we've seen wave after wave of technological innovations. However it's taken ten years for the majority of the business world to take stock of what this means to their organisations.
With the advent of Cloud Computing, Mobile Internet, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Algorithms, Blockchain and Programmatic Advertising, we're seeing dramatic changes in the global landscape - ones which are now affecting all areas of corporate life.
Human Resources, IT, Marketing, Sales, Corporate Governance, R&D, Finance and even Supply Chain Management are all now impacted in some way by digital processes of one form or another. As a result, many forward-thinking organisations are looking at ways they can transform their businesses to meet the challenges of this digital era.
This is where DNAsix® comes in. The 6-step model is designed to give an holistic overview of a company so that a realistic, long-term business strategy can be put together to ensure successful longevity.
To achieve this, we speak to all key stakeholders within the organisation. In SMEs this may be just the owner and their business partner; in larger companies it could be the entire Senior Management Team or even Board of Directors.
It's business and management consultancy which has been designed specifically for a digital age.
Are you ready to try our diagnostic tool? Then contact me on david@dnasix.com for more details of how we can help to transform your business.