August 2017 sees the launch of an exciting new digital franchise business. DNAsix® is the brainchild of social media specialist, author and digital management consultant David Taylor.
Many business owners and leaders can be very confused by today’s predominantly digital landscape. They don’t know whether to seek help from social media ‘gurus’, marketing consultants, business coaches or sales professionals. The result is they do nothing and risk becoming uncompetitive.
It’s no surprise then that according to the 2016 Lloyds Bank UK Business Digital Index, 38% of small businesses and 49% of charities possess only basic digital skills.
DNAsix® provides ambitious and forward-thinking companies with the clarity and expert digital consultancy they need to compete and grow. Here’s the theory behind it.
This concept has been honed and developed by David over many years into a system of consultancy and training used successfully in a variety of organisations, from small charities and SMEs to independent schools, large corporate companies, local authorities and national member bodies.
David is now on the look-out for innovative, creative and passionate professionals who want to become DNAsix® franchisees and provide expert business consultancy fit for the digital age.
Explaining the background to the business, he says: “We’re now over a decade into the social media and digital revolution. Large brands, disruptors and forward-thinking companies have been using sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube successfully for years now to engage with their audiences and grow their brand presence.
“Yet a majority of organisations – both large and small - have been very slow in waking up to the fact that the world has gone digital and are desperate for someone to guide them through what is quite an alien business landscape. That’s precisely where we can help!”
DNAsix® offers five key benefits to businesses:
- Increased profits
- Access to new and diverse audiences
- Brand building
- Reduction in costs
- Long term profitability and future-proofing
If you would like to find out more about DNAsix® call 07715 485728 or email